thanks 2 u...coz now i really found what i want 2 know...
actually ...this kind of prob ...was always came into my mind after for while ....i really appreciate that explain 2 ans my question ..straight forward...i like you style..
.mybe coz....
ak ske guy yg ckp direct...xperlu pusing2...bia pahit ....manisnya di telan bersama....=)..thanks frenz.....lastly i found it .....
mybe ak pndai pe yg ak agak kdg2 tepat ....
trus trg ak ckp...pertanyaan nie slalu dtg dlm pkran ....lps sume kejadian...plan korg ...but ..ak lebih ske korg ckp jew trus trg kat ak ....ak xske org men pusing2 cm nie..
you noe what ...what ever u olls plan ...i can't let myself juz accept that ...coz ..mybe its good for another side..but in my side ..u never hard i try to explain 2 u olls...~~why its so hard..????
coz i think ..i terlalu jage aty org ....huhuhu..mybe i sendri try cri a good reasons...a good answer......
i think ..after all happened...his not the guy i want to bcme my partner in mylife...this is not becoz of his physical..this is becoz who he is......his not my type....=)..
byk sbb yg bertentgn ....conclussionnya....dye x sesuai nge ak tau ..da2...
so jgn la korg men2 plan korg lg ...
ha SENTAP kew ak ckp cmni....padam muke...spe sruh tipoo ak ...ingt ak takot nge korg ...
ak nk jadi diri ak sendri ..ak ade pendiriam ...korg nak marah ???
ak boleh marah korg blik la...ak ade sebab yang kukuh ...ko nk sruh ak kait nge law pun boleh la..hahhahahhahahhahahhaha
This is me
always been the kind of girl
that hid my face
so afraid to tell the world
what i've got to say
but i have this dream
right inside of me
i'm gonna let it show
its time to let you know
to let you know
this is real,this is me
i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be now
gonna let the lightshine on me
now i've found who i am
there's no way to hold it in
no more hiding who i wanna be
this is me
do you know what it's like
to feel so in the dark?
to dream about a life
where you're the shinning star
even though it seems
like it's too far away
i have to believe in myself
it's the only way
this is real ,this is me
i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be now
gonna let the lightshine on me
there's no way to hold it in
no more hiding who i wanna be
this is me
you're the voice i hear inside my head
the reasons that i'm singing
i need to find you , gotta find you
you're the missing piece i need
the song inside of me
i need to find you , i gotta find you
this is real,this is me
i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be now
gonna let the light shine on me
there's no way to hold it in
no more hiding who i wanna be
this is me,this is me
now i've found who i am
there's no way to hold it in
no more hiding who i wanna be
this is me...=)
sbnrnya...nk ckp ak mrh pun ..x jugak ...SENTAP nge korg ??
urm..mybe kot ...BENCI?..ak x bnci kt korg ...
ak tau ..korg bt cmtu ..sbb korg syg kwn korg sendri ...=)
kita kasih terhadap sahabat kita sendiri..
sampai kita sanggup lakukan apa saja demi kebaikkan dye..
uhuhuhu...anda mesti mau jd cam eraser ...and kwn anda menjadi pencil ...
but ...aty2 la....dalam berkawan juga..=)