Tuesday, March 15, 2011

.....song 2 sing

tetibe je rase best lagu nie..hehhehe...

byk kli ak dgr...ske maksud dye...

ni ak tgh pk ..byk yg berlaku kt ak aetu ..serabut dgn prob karnival..hehhe..but thanks to memey coz take my pic..hehhe

mybe ~~seseorg yg menyimpan felin kt ssorg ...~~

mybeeee..la kan...

but sometimes la kan...kte kne let go dye jugak..even kte ade felin kt dye..coz..my be yg tu terbaek tuk kte..hehhe

ye ke?..of cop la syg ..hahha

jesse mccartey...ak pun x knal spe dye..but smlmla..

tyme ak dgr lgu byk2 kt dlm nie...ak rase best lgu nie..

mybe tyme tu ak ade felin kot..sbb ak rse serabut dgn asgmnt yg berlmbak

ak rase menyampah pun ade..

ye la...x smpi sebulan je lg..ak ade tyme tuk bljr ..

pastu exam..ble ak nk stdy?..

ak sendri pun bz dgn NRIC..SEDIM NIE....ARENA blom stat lagi ...

~~kdg2 kte lbih hargai mase ble kte bz...kn2...betoi la..p ak rase serabut sgt...~~

ak nk kluar ...ni pun ak x siap lg asgmnt ak ...ak xleh bt..ak xphm ..ak xtau nk bt cmne..haaaa..tu la

baek ak layn bnde2 cmni..at least ak x tension sgt hahha

I shouldn't love you but i want to
I just can't turn away
I shouldn't see you but i can't move
I can't look away

And i dont know how to be fine when i'm not
Cause i don't know how to make the feelings stop

Just so you know
This feelings takin control
Of me and i can't help it
I wont sit around
I can't let him win nowThough you should know
I've tryed my best to let go of you
But i don't want to
I just gutta say it all before you go
Just so you know

It's gettin hard to
Be around you
Theres so much i can't say
And do you want me to hide the feelings
And look away

And i dont know how to be fine when i'm not
Cause i don't know how to make the feelings stop

sje2 letak pic nie..hehhe..ni sum1 bg ak ..ak trima as a friendship never ends la..

sayang kami sebagai bersahabat'..

Just so you know
This feelings takin control
Of me and i can't help it
I wont sit around
I can't let him win now
Though you should know
I've tryed my best to let go of you
But i don't want to
I just gutta say it all before you go
Just so you know

just so u know..hehe..ak guna moto pooh..ak ske pic nie..

This emptyness is killin me
I'm wonderin why i've waited so long
Lookin back i realize it was always there to be spoken
Now i'm waitin here
Been waitin here

Just so you know
This feelings takin control
Of me and i can't help it
I wont sit around
I can't let him win now
Though you should know
I've tryed my best to let go of you
But i don't want to
I just gutta say it all before you go
Just so you know

~~klu la ak boleh nyanyi..mmg ak nk..hahahhaha...p ak xpndai...suara x bes...~~

huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...cm x ske je jd student u...but ...ak kne hadapi la..ahhaha..